A commitment for life | hitEcosystem - Software for healthcare management

A commitment for life

Committed to human values that make this world a fairer and more supportive place to live, hitEcosystem was sensitive to and involved in supporting social causes from an early stage.

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The story between hitEcosystem and Association NOMEIODONADA (Kastelo) began in 2021, when they took part in the 2020 International Congress on Continuing Care.
Aware of and supportive of the project, hitEcosystem has since made its software available to help optimise the provision of care and the daily management of the institution.
From the outset, hitEcosystem had the impetus to establish a commitment to collaborate with the professionals who care for children aged zero to eighteen every day.

All children have the right to happiness.

This association, inaugurated in 2016, gave life to the first paediatric palliative care unit in the country, with the rehabilitation of a house (the Kastelo) in São Mamede de Infesta, which aims to help several children who need more support while they are hospitalised.
To all the professionals who tirelessly support these children every day, our gratitude and applause. Congratulations!

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